Tuesday, March 18, 2008

St. Paddy's Day Monday Fever...

My Fun Monday is a bit late...been very busy at the office lately. Anyway, Nikki our wonderful host for this week asks any or both of the following -

1.) I don't know about you, but my family is great at creating strange words that only we know the meaning. Some were created when the kids were first learning to talk, others came about when our tongues were twisted and the word came out funny. Either way, the words stuck and we still use them in our daily conversations. What created words does your family use?! Please share the story behind the word if you remember. If you don't have a made up word then tell us about the unspoken way you communicate with someone. Do you and your significant other have a look that means "This party is boring, lets split" or do you have a look that your kids know means their butt is in serious trouble? Please share!! And a picture of the look would be very entertaining!


2.) In honor of St. Paddy's Day, please share your worst green beer story!

This is hard. My family is a boring one. Baby talk or speaking in odd tongues is never encourage because my parent believe that it confuses the child. :-) Mariposa and I never agrees on this part. Anyway, one very weird gesture though that we Filipinos do when we get to meet someone like a friend or acquaintance in the lobby or outside is the weird eyebrow movement.

Yes, it's a way of communicating here. LOL. Without uttering a word, one or two quick up and down movement of both eyebrows is understood as "hello" or a "good day" greeting. I don't know if there are other people in the world using this quick way or saying "hi!" to a person. It's so common that coupled with a smile and the eyebrow movement, is already enough gesture to tell that friend "Hi! I'm good today! Nice seeing you! or Hi! Nice seeing you again!". Funny but I'm a recipient of this every time I go in or out of the elevator at the office and people make this gestures. To return the favor, I do the same and then it sometimes starts a long conversation :-) Yeah. This is a tough one indeed. Thanks for the challenge.

For more of Fun Monday visit Nikki for FUN Monday!


Mariposa said...

So you made it?! LOL I did not know you posted...so you've never missed FM so far eh?! :P

Yeah, I love to baby talk! LOL

Anonymous said...

Great job. I raise my eyebrows in question of things or in confusement.

Thanks for playing.

Unknown said...

It's a quick jerky eyebrow movement....I'm still looking for an animated picture file to it to show you what I mean.... LOL One thing for sure, it looks kinda funny. There are even modified version of it like what Mariposa demonstrated to me awhile ago... LOL But I told her that what she showed it not what I mean...LOL

Courtney said...

I'm going to start doing that at my office and see if anyone gets it. Should be interesting....

IamwhoIam said...

If I treid that at work I do believe they would think I was flirting. ~ ~ LOL

Pamela said...

I'm an eyebrow lifter.
my dad would just tilt his head.
and/or lift his pointer finger.

my4kids said...

Like Pamela said a lot of people will just tilt their heads as a sign of hello.

Jo Beaufoix said...

That is so lovely. Sometimes we smile and raise our eyebrows once to say hi. It's a really nice way to say hi.