Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Stairway To Heaven?!


chartao said...

well, so you're at the end of the staircase or at the middle??

looked like a long way when you're climbing under the hot sun!


where is this that?? it looks like a tourist spot or somethin'

Stephanie said...

I'm not sure if it is or not, but it's intriguing to wonder what's at the top. :)

Hope you have a happy WW! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

eastcoastlife said...

Gosh. I'm not going to climb that flight of stairs even if it leads to Heaven. I have weak knees.

Anonymous said...

That looks steep! Thanks for stopping by. Happy WW!

**"Liza"** said...

hmmm ..I think not that a stair ways of for stopping by..;)

Anonymous said...

Where is that stairway? It looks vaguely familiar.

Shesawriter said...

That's an interesting picture. I like the perspective you chose.

My Wordless Wednesday #9

Ingrid said...

I refuse to climb up, lol !

Anna said...

Wow that sure is the stair way to heaven..What a beautiful view...Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting on my blogs....Happy WW..

~michelle pendergrass said...

What a great shot! Where is that?

Happy WW!

Gabriel said...

Beautiful picture, where is it?

Thanks for dropping by, have a great WW!

My post: Clowns in stripes

maryt/theteach said...

Hardly a stairway to heaven, Yummy! Thanksd for dropping by my WW post! Come by often! :)

HartofDixie said...

That's beautiful. Thanks for dropping by!

Tips_tricks said...

Cool shot! How many steps are there?

Anonymous said...

I am trying to rack my brain in figuring out where in Cebu is this. I always think of Cebu as my second home. But I haven't been there for more than 6months.

ZAM aka Mama Meji

Anonymous said...

Interesting picture.. Thanks so much for dropping by!!! Happy WW!

Utah Mommy said...

Cool one! Looks like it's a stairway to one of the tourists post near where my mom lives. Happy WW!

Michelle said...

Very cool picture and I like the title of it, although I will now have Led Zepplin in my head all day now...

Robert said...

I'm not sure if that's what I picture heaven looking like. Looks more like a good workout getting up those steps though!

Anonymous said...

That is a cool picture. I like the perspective.

Happy WW

Two Peas In a Pod said...

It really does look like a stairway to heaven. Happy WW
Thanks for visiting. Great Picture!

Jen said...

LOVE this picture. . . . Thanks for stopping by and reading all my birthday posts ;)
Happy WW!!!

Robyn Jones said...

I would rather be there then here right now...It is -40....

Momisodes said...

What a beautiful picture! I love that staircase :) happy WW!

Natalie said...

I'm going to have the song Stairway to Heaven stuck in my head now. LOL! Great shot!

Eve said...

Beautiful stairway. Now that I've looked at it and enjoyed the aesthetics - where's the escalator?

Four-eyed-missy said...

Wow, is that going to the Taoist Temple in Lahug?
Thanks for visiting my blog earlier.

D. Renee Bagby said...

Hmmmm.... heaven's kind of rickety-looking. ;P

Happy WW (belated)

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

very unique - great caption !
I hope they carry me up.

Unknown said...

Hi Guys and Gals! This is Jacob's Ladder. I drove one time, round south the island. This is located in Poblacion, Samboan, 140 km from Cebu City, Philippines. They also got nice beaches here... :-) At the top is a 100++ year old Catholic Church.