The Little Prince... Read it several times
2. If you were stranded on that proverbial desert island (again!), what book or books (up to 5) would you want to have with you?
(1) The Da Vince Code and (2) Angels and Demons (by Dan Brown)
(3) Spock must die! (Startrek)
(4) Taipans of the Noble House
(5) The Art of War by James Clavell
3. What was the first "naughty" book you read and in what way was it naughty?
I can't read naughty books, it's too much for
4. If you were to publish your autobiography today, what would be the title?
Journals of an IT Guy or My IT Journal
5. Would you rather look at nude pictures/pornography or read erotic fiction and why?
I would say looking at nude picture....
Bonus (as in optional):Do you know the whereabouts today of the first person with whom you had sex?
hahaha.... next question please....LOL
Happy TMI everyone!
Other TMI Tuesday Participants!

Even spock got naughty...good answers and Happy TMI! :)
You crack me up Yum! And could I miss your #2...if the list gets to're 5 will automatically join my 5. :D
And you love nude pics?!
Happy TMI!
lol I liked all of your answers! Short, simple and humorous, they are. Happy Tuesday.
Back soon...I'm just here to throw this You Make My Day Award
Thanks for making my day!
Hope you had fun filling out your questions. It was fun reading them. Nice to know you don't kiss and tell--me either LOL.
Happy (belated) TMI
Hahaha. . .nice way to avoid giving too much information on too much information tuesday.
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