Monday, March 10, 2008

Fun Monday: Give Me 5!

Monday is here!

And today...

I need YOU (yes, the wonderful YOU!) to pick 5 memorable lines from 5 different movies (if you could tell us which character said it and to whom, would be a bonus)...and tell us to WHOM (who in the people in your life) you could have said those lines.

Here are my 5s!

Do or do not. There is no try. - Yoda
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back
I'd say this to: To all my staff, especially every time I assign them with projects.

(2) Smile, it enhances your face value. - Truvy
Steel Magnolias
I'd say this to: To the grouchy old department heads and to Mariposa's friend whom she continually defends despite all the BS that she's doing to her!

(3) Sharpness is a state of mind.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
I'd say this to: To all my students...

(4) You had me at hello. - Dorothy
Jerry Maguire
I'd say t his to: Mariposa...

(5) Look inside yourself. You are more than what you have become. - Mufasa
The Lion King
I'd say this to: To myself...

There are still a lot, but these are what I can think of right now. To find more interesting lines and how these lines apply to some people...visit the following Fun Monday participants.

1. Melanie

2. The Rotten Correspondent

3. Mariposa's Tales

4. From the Planet of Janet

5. Southern Doll

6. Aoj & The Lurchers

7. SwampAngel65

8. Patience - Please

9. Heather

10. SayreSmiles

11. TheFoodSnob

12. Lady K

13. Irish Coffeehouse

14. Tracey

15. MJD

16. Min

17. Peter

18. Hootin' Anni

19. Karina

20. Sauntering Soul

21. ArkansasSongbird

22. Ann

23. Faye

24. Nikki

25. Retrohipster

26. Jettie

27. Nekked Lizard

28. Swampy

29. Mamalang

30. JennV

31. Lisa Marie

32. Amanda

33. Sandy

34. Gattina

35. Julie

36. Lil Mouse

37. Jo Beaufoix

38. Pam

If you want to join the FUN, and have not signed up yet, no worries! Just let us know by signing up below...

AND of course...comments are always welcome!


Melanie said...

I loved your answers. My favorite is #4- how sweet!! Happy Monday :)

Pam said...

Those were great answers. I loved #4 and #5. Thanks for hosting this week!

Tiggerlane said...

I like the first one best - great answers! I'm just now FINALLY working on mine!

Molly said...

Thank you for hosting this week's Fun Monday. This is one that I will enjoy immensely. I too selected a Steel Magnolia's quote and a Star Wars quote; those movies are a mine of good material. Although I did not include the Jerry Maguire quote that is a huge favorite.

Mariposa said...

Hi! Thanks Yum! Mine is finally UP...Have a nice Monday...miss yah!

Anonymous said...

Good choices! Hard to narrow the choices to five, wasn't it?!!

the planet of janet said...

good choices!

thanks for hosting this week. did you get a volunteer for next week? ;-)

Faye said...

How true with the Lion King quote--we all need to do an internal check ever once in a while before we get away from ourselves.

IamwhoIam said...

Sorry for joining late - but life happens

Ingrid said...

I just admire your memory ! all these phrases you kept in mind ! Worse than an elephant, lol!

j said...

I enjoyed your post. Thanks for hosting this week. I "OOPSED" the rules a bit. I had completely finished my post, was reading it after it was published, and saw the phrase "five different". DOH! sorry. I edited my opening paragraph a little, acknowledging my screw up (sort of). Please Dont KICK ME OUT OF FUN MONDAY MR HOST SIR!
It really was a great idea!


Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Good ones!

ChrisB said...

These are good. I've been away so no time to prepare a post again this week. That is unless I manage it later today as I some quotes in mind. I will come back and sign in if I do.

JennV said...

Great set of quotes! I'm having a heckuva time coming up with mine! Thanks for hosting!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh your five are stupendous. I love 'em. [and Yoda? Oh dear....what a sweetie he is, right?]

My five are posted. And let me tell you, since movies are more or less a passion for me, this was tops for Fun Monday!!! Thanks for being the host.

Do we have any idea who volunteered for next week yet? [I like to put a reminder of the next host on my Monday blog]

Have a great and FUN MONDAY.

Dave said...

"As you wish..."

from The Princess Bride would be my #1

Anonymous said...

Yoda ROCKS! Great lines! Who's hosting next week? Lemme know if you need someone too.

markira said...

Excellent quotes. Love the Yoda line. Fun this was! mk

Sayre said...

I use the Yoda quote all the time, but for some reason didn't think of it right off.

Mine is FINALLY up!

Susan Humeston said...

Cool idea! There are a few quotes I do use in everyday life, so off I go to join the group.

-Ann said...

Great answers - I especially liked 1. Good fun Monday challenge (and it was challenging, at least for me)!

Robin M said...

#1 is great. I just watched empire strikes back with my son and the minute I heard the quote, wrote it down. It's became my favorite quote now when I hear "I'll try." Unfortunately I didn't have time to play this week. I know I know.. Do or don't do. I didn't.

Robin of mytwoblessings

Heather said...

Love any line from Star Wars movies! The Lion King one is great, too. this was a fun assignment - really made me think of my favorite movies.

Rachel said...

sorry i forgot to enter till kinda late

Allie said...

Fun Monday sounds like fun. I would like to be a part of it

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

This was so much fun! LOVE true, isn't it???

Unknown said...

I love your choices! I especially love the 1 & 5th and that you had me at hello! Ahhh!

Jeanna said...

I loved doing this, and Yoda is better than a Nike commercial. Good idea.

Peter said...

Thanks for a good Fun Monday round, I liked your choices.

Sandy said...

Thank you so much for hosting this week. I had a great time. Then I read everyone else's and realized how many I had missed!

Thank you.

Retrohipster said...

Great choices, checking out these quotes makes me want to have a movie marathon. Awesome topic!!!

Anonymous said...

This was an awesome Fun Monday challenge. Thanks for hosting. Do we know who is the host/hostess for next week?

Melanie said...

Just wondering if you know who next weeks host is going to be.

Anonymous said...

I can host next week, but someone let me know if I am please!

Attie said...

I like the Lion King one especially!!Loved them all.A very good assignment though iam a little late visiting!! just to busy yesterday!!

SwampAngel65 said...

This was a fun one to do, IT Guy! Thanks for hosting. Who's going to do the honors next week?

Sauntering Soul said...

Thanks for being a great host this week!

Love your choices. Especially the smile one. I could say that to a lot of people around my office. :-)

IamwhoIam said...

Thanks for hosting such a FUN MONDAY - Reading through a few post I do believe that Yoda was quoted more than once.

Anonymous said...

I will host next week. Please let everyone know!
